3 days of EU Housing debate in Brussels : 4, 5 and 6 december 2019
15 novembre 2019
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Save the date for those 3 days debate on EU Housing Strategy for the new Commission Leyen

Towards a Green Affordable Housing Action Plan for EU Citizens ?
Day 1 : 04/12/2019
Day 2 : 05/12/2019
Day 3 : 06/12/2019
From Juncker team Statements to Leyen team concreet Actions ?
Juncker team :
- Juncker team latest Housing Statements
- Thyssen letter on our proposal of EU action Plan Affordable Housing "qui vient à point nommé".
Leyen team Housing Plan :
- Leyen Commission - Schmit EP hearing - Housing
- Leyen Commission - Timmermans EP hearing - Housing
- Timmermans Housing Campaign
- Housing renovation EU Plan : "flagship" of the European Green Deal (Euractiv)
- Green Deal : towards a Housing and Building "renovation wave" (Euractiv)
Our contribution to the EU debate on affordable housing